Well, we almost made it two weeks with Aubs not being sick! ALMOST. Then the nasty stomach virus hit my poor baby girl! I went to wake her up this morning to get her ready for daycare & before I even opened her door I could smell something BAD. :( She had thrown up sometime during the night. I feel so bad that I didn't hear her!! Luckily, Nathan was off today, so he stayed home with her. She has slept most of the day. She slept from 10:15-3:00 & went back to sleep again at 4:15 & is still sleeping. Nathan said she had some really nasty diapers today too & that he had to use "half the wipe box!" LOL! I'd rather deal with that than the throw up. I literally was gagging this morning!! GROSS!
Hopefully she will be better in the morning. We have plans to go to Fouke tomorrow for Nathan's dad's wedding. If it comes down to it, I'll stay home with Aubrey so Nathan can still go. From what I hear, this virus that's been going around has been a 24 hour bug so hopefully Aubrey will be better & we can all go.
Not much has been going on this week. Just the same ole same ole :) I have been getting all of Aubrey's stuff ready to sell at Duck Duck Goose. It is a big consignment sale that we have here twice a year. I have 100 items to sell, so hopefully I'll make a good amount of money so I can turn right back around & spend it on Aubrey's spring/summer wardrobe!
Well, that's about it for now. Just wanted to do a quick update. Please pray for Aubrey that she will be well again soon. Also keep my BFF's daughter, Catie, in your thoughts & prayers too. She's been running a high fever & has a respiratory infection. It's just no fun when your babies are sick!!
Here's a few pics from this week:
Aubrey & Aunt Lee Lee watching American Idol... Aubs still in the box of course! LOL!
Seriously.... so cute!!! :)
Playing in her tent/tunnel :)
I LOVE the tunnel pic!!! Sooo cute!! Thanks for praying for Catie. I just hope her fever is gone for good!!
Poor baby! We will say a little special prayer for her tonight! I am getting Kenzie's stuff ready for Polka Dots and Lollipops! I only have 75 items. Good Luck!!!!
Cute pics! I hope the stomach bug passes quickly for Aubs and that you and Nathan dont catch it. I hope yall have a good weekend.
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