Saturday, we went to Texarkana. We stopped by St. Michael's & visited Nathan's great grandma who is in the hospital. After that, we had some lunch at On The Border. Then we headed to Fouke & went to a yard sale. I got a lot of cute things for Aubrey for cheap! :) Aubrey had the nastiest explosive diaper ever at the yard sale. WOW. I'm glad I found a cute summer outfit while we were there so I could change her. Nasty! After that, we went & visted Nathan's Aunt Gloria Jo. I love her so much!! She reminds me so much of my grandma who died in 2005. Then we headed back to Texarkana for a get together with my BFFs. We had a great time!! We ate some yummy finger foods & then sat outside & watched the kids play (including some of the big kids, me included haha!). I left my camera at home (shocking, I know!), so I didn't get any pics :( You can check out my BFFs page for pics from the night though ( We got home late Saturday night.
Mother's Day was a great day. My one gift request was to sleep in. I did just that & slept til 9:30! Aubrey & Nathan were lazy & slept until 10:45! Aubrey ate breakfast & played for a little bit & then was ready for a nap at 12:00. I decided to take a nap too around 2:00. When I woke up at 3:30, that little stinker was STILL asleep! She finally woke up around 4:00! We went & looked at the house after she ate some lunch. It's coming a long great!! I can't wait to move in! They have all of the sheetrock done. They have started on the back deck & doing the dirtwork for the yard & driveway! When we got home, I spent FOREVER hanging up all of Aubrey's clothes. Wow, that kid has way too many!! It's so much fun shopping for her though :) While I was in her room, she came running in & said HERE MOMMY! She had colored a homemade Happy Mother's Day card for me. :) It was sooo cute & she was so proud of it! She had the biggest smile on her face!
Today was a good day.. just the same ole same ole. Aubrey is ADDICTED to cereal. She ate 3 bowls of it for breakfast on Saturday & Sunday. I left the box out on the table & it's what she insisted on having for dinner. I fixed her some cavatini at first & she pushed it to the side & kept saying "see-al" "see-al"! So, see-al is what she got. lol At least it's somewhat healthy! She had 3 bowls tonight too! Oinker!!
Catie gave me a lil plant for mother's day too!
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