Life is so busy these days! I just can't seem to get caught up or find the time to blog! Aubrey is doing wonderful. She will be 3 months old on October 7th. I can't believe how quickly time is passing by! At her 2 month check up, she weighed 9 lbs 1 oz. She is still so teeny! She is in the 11th percentile for weight & 56th percentile for height (she was 22.25 inches long). When she was born, she was in the 5th percentile for weight & 20th percentile for height. So, she is growing, she's just little! She is smiling all the time now and it melts my heart. I can tell she is trying to laugh, but she hasn't accomplished that just yet. She will open her mouth so wide like she is laughing, but no sound comes out yet! lol I thank God every day for allowing me & Nathan to have such a solid, wonderful realtionship and for giving us such a beautiful baby girl! Here is my most recent favorite picture of my sweet angel!
Glad things are going well. Can't believe she's almost 3 months.
OMG!!!! Thanks for the note on my blog- I TOTALLY remember you. It's been a million years! You're a mama.. awwww :*) Aubrey is so gorgeous. Isn't it amazing how those first few months pass? Before you know it- you'll be toilet training a toddler who says "NO NO NO!!!!" 100 times a day, hehe.
I've bookmarked you, and will definitely stop by to keep reading!!!
~ Erika
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