Living My Dream
I am living my dream come true. My life is so amazing, I love it! Years ago, if I could have known this is how everything would have worked out, I'm not sure I would have believed it. Being married to Nathan & mommy to Aubrey is everything I have always wanted. I feel so blessed :)
Aubrey is doing wonderful. She is two months old today! I can't believe how fast the time is going by. She is 1/6 of a year old ;) She goes to the doctor on Wednesday for her 2 month shots & a check up on her acid reflux. The acid reflux seems to be doing better, so hopefully she has been gaining weight like the doctor wants. She has started smiling all the time now and it just melts my heart! She is so beautiful!!
I started my new job on August 25th at Jackon Allergy & Asthma Clinic. I hated it at first because I *hated* leaving Aubrey at daycare. It's gotten easier though & I really love my job now. The girls I work with are hilarious & a blast to work with! I love Aubrey's daycare. They take such good care of her. There is a little nun that takes care of Aubrey. She loves Aubrey to death! Who wouldn't?! ;)
Me & Nathan are doing wonderful. He is my bestest friend. I love how we are still proving everyone wrong who thought we wouldn't make it. We are coming up on our two year wedding anniversary. Sometimes it seems like it's been so much longer than two years & other times, it feels like we just got married yesterday!
I have really been missing my BFFs in Texarkana lately! They are the only reason I would ever want to move back, lol. I am ready for a BFF reunion, because one is desperately needed!! Love ya Carla, Elizabeth, & Jenn!!!
Well, that's my short update on everything! <3